
Terms of Service

1. General Information

1.1 Before instructing UK Tracing you must agree to these Terms of Service, our Data Processing Statement, and Privacy Policy.

1.2 You must provide accurate and complete information when instructing UK Tracing in order for us to achieve the appropriate service levels. We may contact you on your provided contact details should we require any further information or clarification.

1.3 You agree that on instructing UK Tracing you are entering into a legally binding agreement (or on behalf of your company). Your agreement with UK Tracing will be subject to our standard terms of service.

1.4 If you purchase any of our Services, you agree to pay UK Tracing the applicable fees and taxes. If you do not pay within thirty (30) days, you agree that You are liable for fees as set out in The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as amended).

1.5 This agreement shall commence on the date of instruction to UK Tracing.

2. Definitions

2.1 ‘We’, ‘our’, and ‘us’ is UK Tracing, a trading style of STA International Limited.

2.2 ‘You’ and ‘your’ means the client of UK Tracing.

2.3 ‘Subject’ means the person or company that you ask us to locate.

2.4 ‘Services’ means any of the services offered in the UK Tracing online store.

2.5 ‘Positive result’ and ‘positive trace’ mean either a new address, confirmation that the subject continues to live at the supplied address or in the event of their demise, provision of whatever details are available.

2.6 ‘Negative result’ and ‘negative trace’ mean we have been unable to confirm an address for the subject.

2.7 ‘Working day(s)’ means a day (other than Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday) on which banks are open for general business in London.

3. Description of Services


3.1 Address Tracing Service

3.1.1 Our Address Tracing Services are offered on a ‘No Trace, No Fee’ basis.

3.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, a positive trace is either a new address, confirmation of that the subject continues to live at the supplied address or in the event of their demise, provision of whatever details are available. In all of these circumstances the agreed trace fee shall apply.

3.1.3 Confirmation of a positive trace

To provide you with a positive trace result, we will confirm with at least 2 sources of the latest available location data.

3.1.4 Delivery

Results will be delivered to the email address you supply at the time of request, within 2 working days from the date of submission.

3.1.5 Refund policy

Our Address Tracing Service is provided on a ‘No Trace, No Fee’ basis.

3.2 Occupancy Search Service

3.2.1 Our Occupancy Search Service is available to registered businesses only.

3.2.2 Delivery

Results will be delivered to the email address you supply at the time of request, within 2 working days from the date of submission.

3.2.3 Refund policy

Our Occupancy Search Service is non-refundable.

3.3 Absconded Tenant Tracing Service

3.3.1 We carry out monthly database checks for a period of up to 12 months to attempt to locate a forwarding address for your absconded tenant

3.3.2 Confirmation of a positive trace

To provide you with a positive trace result, we will confirm with at least 2 sources of the latest available location data.

3.3.3 Delivery

Results will be delivered to the email address you supply at the time of request as soon as we locate a new address for your tenant.

3.3.4 Refund policy

Unfortunately, due to the intensive nature of the searches, our Absconded Tenant Tracing Service is non-refundable.

3.4 Family/Friend Address Trace Service

3.4.1 Our Family/Friend Address Trace Service are offered on a ‘No Trace, No Fee’ basis.

3.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, a positive trace is either a new address, confirmation of that the subject continues to live at the supplied address or in the event of their demise, provision of whatever details are available. In all of these circumstances the agreed trace fee shall apply.

3.1.3 Confirmation of a positive trace

To provide you with a positive trace result, we will confirm with at least 2 sources of the latest available location data.

3.1.4 Delivery

Results will be delivered to the email address you supply at the time of request, within 14 working days from the date of submission.

3.1.5 Refund policy

Our Family/Friend Address Trace Service is provided on a ‘No Trace, No Fee’ basis.

3.1.6 Consent

Where we locate your subject, we will contact them for consent to share your details before supplying you with their information.

3.5 Land Registry Only Service

3.5.1 Results will be supplied within 2 working days

3.5.2 This service is non-refundable.

4. Payment

4.1 There are two options for payment for any of our Services.

4.1.1Pre-payment via debit or credit card.

a. Payment will be taken on instruction. Where the Refund Policy applies, the applicable charge will be refunded to the card used at checkout.

4.1.2 Payment by invoice (companies only)

a. Prior to carrying out our Services, We will conduct a credit check to ensure that you have the means to make payment

b. We will raise an invoice on completion of the Service. Payment terms are 30 days from the date of the invoice. If you do not pay within thirty (30) days you agree that you are liable for fees as set out in The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998(as amended).

c. In the event of a negative result, no invoice will be raised if you have purchased a ‘No Trace, No Fee’ Service.

5. Consent – Important Information

5.1 Where you select a reason for trace that is marked ‘Consent Required’, you understand that after carrying out the Service, we will contact the subject of the trace to ask them to provide consent to pass their details to you.

5.2 Where no consent is given, the result shall be considered negative and the applicable refund policy shall apply.

6. Refund Policy

6.1 Please refer to the Description of Services for applicable Refund Policies.

7. Retrace Policy

7.1 Desktop Tracing Services

7.1.1 If you believe that the data we have supplied is incorrect, we will carry out a free-of-charge retrace within 90 days of the original trace date.

7.1.2 If we find that the information was correct, or supply you with a new address, the charge shall remain.

7.1.3 If you believe that the result is still incorrect, we will ask you to demonstrate your reasons and you will be given a full refund for the applicable charge if we find that it was traced in error.

8. Data

8.1 We process and store data in line with our Data Processing Statement and Privacy Policy.

9. Legal

9.1 You shall afford all reasonable assistance to us in respect of the submitted cases.

9.2 All of our Services are not for use by anyone under the age of 18.

9.3 We do not carry out any Services locating persons under the age of 18.

9.4 You agree that you will not use our services if there is any legal reason preventing you from instructing us. You agree there are no legal restrictions incurred by UK courts or other responsible, recognised authorities, including offshore authorities, banning you from seeing or restricting your distance from the person you are instructing us on.

9.5 All of the information which we obtain, whether disclosed or not, is in the public domain (apart from debt related cases), so there is never any question of infringement of privacy rights. You agree that your interest in finding a person is in no way associated in harming them or their associates, physically, emotionally or their media / public image.

9.6 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

9.7 We will carry out the specified Service by recognised methods in accordance with, and pursuant to, all relevant legislation, regulations and accepted trade practices.

9.8 These Terms of Service sit alongside the Data Processing Statement and Privacy Policy of UK Tracing.

9.9 UK Tracing is a trading style of STA International Limited, registered in England & Wales
Registered address: The Drying Loft, 25/26 Turkey Court, Turkey Mill Business Park, Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5PP.
Company Registration No. 2893487.
VAT registration number: 646003171.
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority registration number: 705183.
Credit Services Association number: 238.
Data Protection Act registration number: Z7268646.

Data Processing Statement

1. Introduction

UK Tracing is a trading style of STA International Limited (UK Tracing/we/us/our) and processes personal data in connection with its trace investigatory services.

1.1 UK Tracing are committed to properly protecting and processing the data that it holds. The following is a broad description of the way we process personal information.

2. Responsibility

2.1 Responsibility for the production, maintenance and communication of this document lies with our Head of Compliance. It is also the responsibility of Head of Compliance to ensure that annual reviews of this document take place to ensure that it remains internally consistent and that the document is version controlled.

2.2 Any substantive changes made to any of the documents in the set will be communicated to all relevant personnel.

3. Reasons and purposes for processing information

3.1 UK Tracing process personal information to enable us to:

i. provide investigatory services on the instructions of a data controller (our client);
ii. provide services to our clients;
iii. maintain our own accounts and records;
iv. support and manage our employees; and/or
v. act in the best interest of the data subject.

4. Types and classes of information processed

4.1 We process information relating to the above reasons/purposes. This information may include:

i. personal details;
ii. the investigation brief, results and related information;
iii. lifestyle and social circumstances;
iv. family details;
v. goods and services;
vi. financial details; and/or
vii. education and employment and/or business details.

4.2 We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:

i. physical or mental health details;
ii. racial or ethnic origin;
iii. trade union membership;
iv. religious or other beliefs; and/or
v, criminality.

5. Who the Information is processed about

5.1 We process personal information about:

i. customers and clients, including prospective clients;
ii. the subjects of investigations we are instructed to collect;
iii. business contacts;
iv. advisers and other professional experts;
v. suppliers, and;
vi. employees.

6. Who the information may be shared with

6.1 UK Tracing sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themselves and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organisations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons.

6.2 Where necessary or required we share information with:

i. financial organisations;
ii. credit reference, debt collection and tracing agencies;
iii. police forces;
iv. professional investigators;
v. government;
vi. business associates and other professional bodies and advisers;
vii. suppliers;
viii. current, past or prospective employers;
ix. education and examining bodies; and
x. family, associates or representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing.

7. Legal basis for processing

7.1 The lawful bases for processing are set out in Article 6 of the GDPR. At least one of these must apply whenever you process personal data:

i. Consent: the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose.

ii. Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract.

iii. Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for you to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations).

iv. Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.

v. Public task: the processing is necessary for you to perform a task in the public interest or for your official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.

vi. Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for your legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests. (This cannot apply if you are a public authority processing data to perform your official tasks.)

8. Trading and sharing personal information

8.1 Personal information is traded and shared as a primary business function. For this reason, the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, employment details, and goods and services. This information may be about customers, clients and the subjects of our investigations.

8.2 The information may be traded or shared with business associates and professional advisers, agents, service providers, customers and clients.

9. Undertaking investigations and carrying our client’s instructions

9.1 Personal information is also processed to undertake investigations and to carry out our client instructions.

9.2 For this reason, the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, goods and services.

9.3 The sensitive types of information may include physical or mental health details, racial or ethnic origin and religious or other beliefs.

9. Undertaking investigations and carrying our client’s instructions

9.1 Personal information is also processed to undertake investigations and to carry out our client instructions.

9.2 For this reason, the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, goods and services.

9.3 The sensitive types of information may include physical or mental health details, racial or ethnic origin and religious or other beliefs.

10. Consulting and advisory services

10.1 Information is processed for consultancy and advisory services that are offered.

10.2 For this reason, the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, and the goods and services provided.

10.3 This information may be about customers and clients.

10.4 Where necessary this information is shared with the data subject themselves, business associates and other professional advisers, current, past or prospective employers and service providers.

11. Duration

11.1 UK Tracing requires that different types of records be retained for specific periods of time to comply with UK legislation and good practice. UK Tracing ensures consistent treatment and security of records. Maintenance, retention, and disposal procedures for the firm’s records must be followed systematically by all staff.

12. Transfers

12.1 It may sometimes be necessary to transfer personal information overseas.

12.2 When this is needed information may be transferred to countries or territories around the world.

12.3 Any transfers made will be in full compliance with all aspects of the Data Protection Act.

13. Information about UK Tracing

13.1 UK Tracing is a trading style of STA International Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Registered Company Number: 02893487. Registered Office address: The Drying Loft, 25/26 Turkey Court, Turkey Mill Business Park, Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5PP.

13.2 Our Head of Compliance is Lucie Ronde-Oustau who can be contacted via email at [email protected].

If you can't find your debtor, they'll never pay.

Get in touch with UK Tracing today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a tracing agent?

Tracing agents specialise in finding the current address for your subject. Use cases include locating your debtors, getting an up to date address to serve legal documents and reconnecting with old customers, friends or family.

What does 'no trace, no fee' mean?

For our address tracing service, if we can’t find a new address or confirm the current address for your subject, you don’t pay. In the rare event of this happening, your payment will be refunded in full.

What counts as a positive trace?

A trace is regarded as positive when we either find a new address, or confirm the current address for your subject.

Who are UK Tracing?

UK Tracing are a people tracing service, locating your gone-away customers of family and friends to a new address. A trading style of STA International Limited, we have over 20 years experience in tracing our clients’ gone-away subjects.

Can I place multiple files to be traced?

We provide regular and bulk tracing services to numerous letting agents and solicitors. To enquire about discounts that are available for bulk and repeat traces, please contact us on 01622 528 544 or email us at [email protected]

Do you offer a trace and collect service?

As part of leading UK debt collection agency, STA International, we do offer trace and collect services. We’ll trace your subject to their current address and then attempt to collect the debt owed to you. Contact us for more information on this service.

What information do you need to start a trace?

To start tracing, we usually need basic information such as the name, date of birth, last known address, and any relevant information. The more details you can provide, the quicker and more accurate the search will be.

What is beneficiary tracing?

Beneficiary tracing involves locating individuals who are entitled to inherit from a will, estate, or trust. This service is often used when family members or heirs are missing or unknown, and their whereabouts need to be confirmed to settle the estate.

Copyright: © 2025 UK Tracing. UKTracing is a trading style of STA International Limited. Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration Number: 02893487